My Unique Equine

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Our new halters are priced at $12.00 and $10.00
Our used halters are priced at $5.00

We have 2 different styles of rope halter's.The first style has the 2 knots on the nose band. The other style we have has a braided nose band.
Our size's start at Mini baby and can be as big as a draft size. The regular size we have is Quarterhorse.We can make any size,so that it fits your horse perfect!!
Price's start at
$3.25~for mini foal
$4.50~any size mini
$12.00~Reg.size horse
$15.00~Mule or Thoroughbred
For $3.50~6ft. matching lead
For $4.50~8ft. matching lead
For $6.00~6ft.matching braided lead
For $8.00 matching braided 8ft. lead
You pay shipping.E-mail us to order.
We are working on getting Pay Pal set up.

This horse belongs to one of our clients!
Thank you for letting us use your mare to show our halters!

Why a rope halter?
A rope halter is used as a tool of communication in halter foundation training A correctly adjusted rope halter will help you clearly communicate the right cues to your equine at the right time. With proper positioning of each of the halter knots where they can be used to apply pressure in the specific areas, it will help communicate to the equine's brain when to go forward,right ,left, stop etc.The knots on the nose will help with a whoa.The knots behind the cheekbones and under the chin will help to cue him to move forward as well as to the right or left.  


Hand Tied 2 knotted rope halter

Miniature donkey size's

Clips for lead ropes

Hand braided rope halter Thoroughbred

Mini baby halter





We have a lot more colors
If we don't have a color you are looking for, I'm sure we can get for you!

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